Looking For The Silver Lining

In the countdown to the final weeks for submissions, as well as the dreaded beginning of semester two, it’s worth reminding ourselves what it is that makes life enjoyable.

We’ve spoken a lot about simple pleasures this year, and it’s clear it means something different to everybody. For me, it’s the one thing that makes the day worth it all, even when it feels tougher than usual. At the moment, the sun doesn’t seem to be shining all that much, the sidewalks are pooled in rainwater, and it feels like every other person is on holiday somewhere … somewhere with a lot more sun.

My one holiday for the uni break got cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, and it was disappointing. That would’ve been my only week off from all the work shifts, all the endless thinking about upcoming tasks and a busy second half of the year. Every now and then, the disappointment is consuming, and I can’t help but feel stuck.

But when you don’t have the bigger things to look forward to, it’s the smaller things that pick you up. Whether that be coming back to a warm house after a day spent in the rain, ready to watch a show you’ve really been enjoying, or a night in with your best friend who you haven’t seen in weeks, talking, laughing and painting your nails. It’s the song you haven’t heard in ages, the concert coming up at the end of the month, or nailing the recipe you found online.

We often think about big life changes, ones that alter us significantly and suddenly, but we forget about the smaller ones that occur daily, the ones that subtly contribute to a shift in mindset, or brighten the dampest of days. That song you rediscovered becomes a staple in your daily repertoire, the recipe is now one you’ve got in your arsenal, and your nails are looking brand spanking new.

Feeling inspired? Consider submitting a piece of work to the 2022 University of Sydney Anthology!

Submissions can be up to 5000 words of prose, five poems or five artistic pieces that focus on the theme ‘simple pleasures’. The deadline for submission is 31 July 2022. This is your chance to be featured in a published book, so let the creativity flow! We can’t wait to explore the talent and creativity of the University of Sydney community.

Submit your work here!