Posts by Anthology Admin


Excerpt from Intolerance by Sheree Strange, Student Anthology Diversity 2019. We’ve arrived early for dinner with my sister-in-law, and we’re staring wide-eyed around the restaurant. My husband looks impressed, and I’m sure I look anxious, because we are both noticeably under-dressed. It’s got a casual name, but this is without a doubt the swankiest establishment to which I’ve ever been granted entry. ..

koala bear sleeping in a tree

Climate Change and the Animal Kingdom

When we think of climate change, our concerns focus on our future. The effect global warming will have on us. And while it’s important to maintain our attention on the effects of global warming like rising sea levels and droughts, we often forget another important victim of climate change; animals.

2020 Anthology – Climate Change

As of last summer – now termed ‘Black Summer’ by some outlets – Australia has experienced its worst bushfire season in history. Over 2400 homes were lost, 81% of the Blue Mountains Heritage Area burned, 80% of people were affected by fire and smoke, and 800 million animals perished in New South Wales alone. This led to further environmental damage as it was estimated that the bushfires pumped between 650 million and 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the air.

Suggestions on Writing Diversity

Suggestions on Writing Diversity

In the last decade, there’s been a push for authors to write more diversity into their works, and for publishers...

My Yesterday’s Bookmarks

My Yesterday’s Bookmarks

Excerpt from My Yesterday’s Bookmarks by Tom St. John, Student Anthology Power 2018. Hush, hush. Linda and Duncan are telling...



Excerpt from Genealogy by Belinda Paxton, Student Anthology Power 2018. It is late winter, and mornings such as these, cold...

Beating the Shame Stick

Excerpt from Beating the Shame Stick by Sophie Lipell, Student Anthology Power 2018. ‘There is a girl among you who...

The Various Shades of Holi

Holi is the festival of colours which takes place every year in March over two days. If you were in...

Wheel of Diversity

Wheel of Diversity

Some like to talk about diversity as having two types of dimensions. The dimensions we cannot control and those we...

2018 Anthology Book Launch

The conversation buzzed, the wine fizzed and glasses clinked in celebration. The attendees plucked from wooden platters spread out with...